Posts in Depression
10 Ultimate Tips for Starting an Exercise Routine with Depression

How do I get started? It's the problem I hear more often than any other. 

My passion and my goal—after overcoming paralyzing depression, addiction, and PTSD—is to empower others to take control of their bodies and minds so they can live amazing lives.

I've compiled a list of the ultimate tips that are crucial to starting a fitness routine. If you utilize these tools, you can conquer whatever is holding you back from your best, most badass life. 

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Eat to Beat Depression

"Food is like a pharmaceutical compound that affects the brain," says Fernando Gómez-Pinilla, a UCLA professor of neurosurgery and physiological science. "Diet, exercise and sleep have the potential to alter our brain health and mental function."

Take control of your body and mind by eating these food PROVEN to prevent and reverse depression!

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All elite athletes do it.

Successful business people do it.

Rappers are always doing it.

Because it works.

I'm talking about the powerfully effective use of positive self-affirmation.

If you are a cynic or skeptic, recent neurological research and studies of affirmations should be enough to convince you of their powerfully transformational abilities.

Read on to learn about the neurobiology of how affirmations work, how to use them, plus a free worksheet to create powerful affirmations customized for your goals.

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10 Badass Motivational Images for Fighting Depression with Exercise

Motivation that creates lasting change comes from a desire to better yourself for yourself and only works when combined with determination and habit.

But sometimes, all you really need is some immediate motivation that triggers something within you and gets your adrenaline surging.

Tapping into your struggles as a motivating force can be very powerful, and my favorite ten images will get YOU into the spirit to fight back against whatever adversity you're faced with. 

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Do Not Waste Any More Life NOT Treating Your Depression

DO NOT waste any more of your life NOT treating your depression! One researcher validates what both my own research and my personal experience has already proven to me: Exercise and nutrition is absolutely essential for conquering depression! 

I strongly believe that every single person owes it to themselves to be informed of the mountain of clear evidence about depression treatment. Watching this video is one of the easiest ways to do that. In one video, an experienced research scientist describes six factors that are PROVEN to fight depression.

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5 Surprising Depression Hacks

Depression is a complex disorder with many root causes, so the more angles you can attack it from, the better. Depression doesn’t have to control you. Use these scientifically-proven hacks to elevate your mood.

(Good news: These boost your mood even if you don't suffer from depression!)

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