Posts tagged evidence
Eat to Beat Depression

"Food is like a pharmaceutical compound that affects the brain," says Fernando Gómez-Pinilla, a UCLA professor of neurosurgery and physiological science. "Diet, exercise and sleep have the potential to alter our brain health and mental function."

Take control of your body and mind by eating these food PROVEN to prevent and reverse depression!

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How to Hack Your Brain into Making Exercise Your Habit

Habits are extremely powerful. Ask anyone who has tried to stop biting their nails or stop smoking (turns out that it's much easier to overcome the nicotine addiction than to kick the habit of cigarette smoking). They'll tell you how powerful habits are.

The brain looooves forming habits. And they are extremely hard to ignore. This power can be used for good!

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Do Not Waste Any More Life NOT Treating Your Depression

DO NOT waste any more of your life NOT treating your depression! One researcher validates what both my own research and my personal experience has already proven to me: Exercise and nutrition is absolutely essential for conquering depression! 

I strongly believe that every single person owes it to themselves to be informed of the mountain of clear evidence about depression treatment. Watching this video is one of the easiest ways to do that. In one video, an experienced research scientist describes six factors that are PROVEN to fight depression.

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How to Set and DOMINATE Your Goals This Year

Happy New Year! This is the time for fresh new beginnings and for looking ahead with vision, focus, and hope. It is a perfect time to set new goals for the year ahead. 

We’re not talking about resolutions. We’re talking about goals. Resolutions usually fizzle and die in January, but goals are the difference between achievement and stagnation. They are the difference between victory and failure. You simply will not get where you want to go without goal-setting. 

Use this comprehensive, evidence-based guide to achieve tremendous success in the coming year and arrive triumphant at the destination of your dreams. 

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