Posts in Exercise
10 Ultimate Tips for Starting an Exercise Routine with Depression

How do I get started? It's the problem I hear more often than any other. 

My passion and my goal—after overcoming paralyzing depression, addiction, and PTSD—is to empower others to take control of their bodies and minds so they can live amazing lives.

I've compiled a list of the ultimate tips that are crucial to starting a fitness routine. If you utilize these tools, you can conquer whatever is holding you back from your best, most badass life. 

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The Secret of Exercise Motivation

"I can't workout on my own."

"How do you stay motivated?"

There is no secret to staying fit and healthy. Eat nourishing whole foods, exercise regularly, and drink tons of water. 

But there is one secret of motivation. Harnessing the power of this one secret, especially if you hate to exercise, could usher a solid fitness routine into your life! 

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10 Badass Motivational Images for Fighting Depression with Exercise

Motivation that creates lasting change comes from a desire to better yourself for yourself and only works when combined with determination and habit.

But sometimes, all you really need is some immediate motivation that triggers something within you and gets your adrenaline surging.

Tapping into your struggles as a motivating force can be very powerful, and my favorite ten images will get YOU into the spirit to fight back against whatever adversity you're faced with. 

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4 Weird Ideas that Will Make Exercise More Enjoyable

It is my purpose and my passion to help people conquer their demons through physical and mental health and fitness. 

Exercise is an essential, PROVEN treatment of depression and anxiety. For those without depression, it is necessary for a fully and happy life. 

But what if you hate exercise? Then it's time to reconceptualize your thoughts on exercise. Keep reading for some highly unconventional ways to exercise AND enjoy yourself at the same time!

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How to Hack Your Brain into Making Exercise Your Habit

Habits are extremely powerful. Ask anyone who has tried to stop biting their nails or stop smoking (turns out that it's much easier to overcome the nicotine addiction than to kick the habit of cigarette smoking). They'll tell you how powerful habits are.

The brain looooves forming habits. And they are extremely hard to ignore. This power can be used for good!

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Do Not Waste Any More Life NOT Treating Your Depression

DO NOT waste any more of your life NOT treating your depression! One researcher validates what both my own research and my personal experience has already proven to me: Exercise and nutrition is absolutely essential for conquering depression! 

I strongly believe that every single person owes it to themselves to be informed of the mountain of clear evidence about depression treatment. Watching this video is one of the easiest ways to do that. In one video, an experienced research scientist describes six factors that are PROVEN to fight depression.

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